Saturday, 21 December 2013

Spot heal tool

For this, i was experimenting with the spot heal tool but instead of using it for spots, i was using it for wrinkles. I took a photo of Bryan Cranston who played Walter White in Breaking Bad and started removing wrinkles from his forehead and his cheeks.

Friday, 20 December 2013


This project that I did for the christmas was rushed and not as good as it could have been. Also i was experimenting with things like downloading brushes and fonts. I didn't really struggle with it but i do think that i could have made it better than i did. For it i used a reference to a famous lead vocalists twitter over christmas as he was tweeting 'Christmace' instead of 'Christmas' which is why i used his face for the main image.  

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Shutter Speed Experiment

These photos I was taking had to have a long exposure as we had to get as much light in as possible. I had to set the shutter speed to 8 seconds because the person I was working with has a longer name. This gave her enough time to do what she was planning to do. We also had to go into a dark room for this to have the most effect. 

For this one she used the torch to make an infinity symbol, for this I used a shutter speed of 5 seconds, It was also in a dark room as it looked the most effective. This is because if the room was light you wouldn't be able to see the light that the torch produced. The reason we had to use a long shutter speed was lens to capture as much light as possible.

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Camera Angles and Natural Lighting

This photo uses side lighting which is new to me as I have never taken it into consideration. This created a shadow on one side of he subect which I believe is effective.

This photo uses both back lighting and the tilt up effect. This created the silhoutte effect for the subject. To acheive this photo I had to either crouch or lay on the floor. I cose to lay on the floor as it gave ou a better photo.

I used a tilt down effect on this by standing on a lamppost which had an elevated base to stand on. This method makes the subject look small as he has to look upwards towards the camera. 

For this photo, I have used front lighting. This gave a bright image for part of the subjects face but also gave some shadow because the sun wasnt diectly infront of him but very slightly to the subjects left side.

This shot is the frame shot. I couldn't find anywhere effective to take a shot like this outside but then i thought hat the hole in the bin would give a better frame than other places.

This is the close up shot of the subject and I used the manual focus option to blur out any background what was in the photo. We were in the shade which I think contrasts with the background as that was in the light. This means that the dark of the subject and the light of the background work well together.

Magazine front cover

For this image I used a close up shot and blured out the background using manual focus. This means that all the focus is drawn to the subject. I also used front lighting

I did the same as i did the first image by blurring out the background using manual focus. However this time I used side lighting to shadow one half of his face.

For this photo I used front lighting but didn't think about the camera angle as much as I should have. This mean't that i poduced a worse image to the previous two.

For my magazine front cover I linked it to a certain music Genre that i am familiar with called 'Grime'. The masthead uses the word 'Fam' as tis is commonly linked with the 'Grime' genre as it is used in most songs. Also each story is liked with the genre to keep up te common thing theme. 

Friday, 20 September 2013


AS Media Production: Technical Skills Audit Print Production

Name:       Owen Dixon               Tutor group:              Date: 18/09/13

Photographic Skills
Which of the following photographic features/equipment have you used on a camera before:

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Manual Focus features


Shutter Speed


Aperture control


A tripod


External flash


Self timer facility


Light meter


Composition grids

I learned about these when studying media last year. A grid appears on your computer screen allowing you to follow the rule of thirds easier.

Photoshop Skills
Which of the following features of Photoshop have you used before:

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Text control

I used this fairly often last year, mainly to aid my editing process


I used filters on nearly every photo I edited for my media coursework.




I added multiple layers to some photos so that I could get my desired finished image

Opacity control


Shape creation


Brightness and contrast control




Clone stamp tool


Colour curves adjustment


Magnetic lasso, polygon lasso tool

These are used to edit a photos by taking out the undesired background. This is more detailed than cropping.

Cropping tool

This is used to cut out background but without the precision of magnetic lasso and polygon lasso tool.

Retouch tool


In Design Skills
Which of the following features of In Design have you used before:

Comments if yes – where have you completed this skills and to what level
Margin and column guide creation


Inserting text in ID


Inserting images in ID


Resizing images in ID


Text manipulation – resizing, rotation


Text manipulation – controlling kerning and leading


Text flow creation


Text effects – drop shadow


Drop cap insert


Using transparent imagery in ID


Shape creation In design


Text wrapping


Exporting to PDF from In-design