Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Camera Angles and Natural Lighting

This photo uses side lighting which is new to me as I have never taken it into consideration. This created a shadow on one side of he subect which I believe is effective.

This photo uses both back lighting and the tilt up effect. This created the silhoutte effect for the subject. To acheive this photo I had to either crouch or lay on the floor. I cose to lay on the floor as it gave ou a better photo.

I used a tilt down effect on this by standing on a lamppost which had an elevated base to stand on. This method makes the subject look small as he has to look upwards towards the camera. 

For this photo, I have used front lighting. This gave a bright image for part of the subjects face but also gave some shadow because the sun wasnt diectly infront of him but very slightly to the subjects left side.

This shot is the frame shot. I couldn't find anywhere effective to take a shot like this outside but then i thought hat the hole in the bin would give a better frame than other places.

This is the close up shot of the subject and I used the manual focus option to blur out any background what was in the photo. We were in the shade which I think contrasts with the background as that was in the light. This means that the dark of the subject and the light of the background work well together.

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